The dialog "SpeedOpen settings" contains the following controls: • Use the popup menu Open with to choose, whether QuarkXPress™ should always use the document's settings or those contained in the XPress preferences file. For a more detailed explanation of this feature, please read the section titled "XPress preferences" below. • The checkboxes Beep on SpeedOpen activation and Show current option specify how SpeedOpen notifies you that it suppressed the preferences dialog. If you check Show current option, SpeedOpen opens an information window showing the option used to open the document. This window is closed when document drawing is completed, but pressing the option (or "alt") key keeps it open until you release the key. • The popup menu Greek pictures lets you automatically modify the "Greek pictures" setting when you open a document. Possible selections are Turn on, Turn off and Unchanged. If you select Turn on, you can open documents more quickly and even in those cases where the picture data in the document is damaged and causes system errors when the document is displayed. • The popup menu View size lets you automatically set the view size of a document when it is opened. If you select Unchanged, the document is displayed in the same scale as it was last saved. • The popup menu Conversion warning can be used to display a warning whenever you open a document or library that has been last saved by an older version of QuarkXPress. If such a document is saved with the new version, it can't be opened in the older version anymore. The menu contains the selections Off, Documents only and Documents and Libraries. • The checkbox Show XTension icon on startup enables or disables the display of SpeedOpen's icon when QuarkXPress is started. XPress Preferences Some settings for QuarkXPress are stored in the current document as well as in a special "XPress Preferences" file located in the QuarkXPress folder. These settings include: Kerning and tracking tables Hyphenation exceptions Custom frames These settings are used as defaults for new documents. Thus, you don't have to enter standard hyphenation exceptions for each document you create. If you change these items, older documents cannot be updated automatically. Therefore, the settings in the document may not match the settings stored in the preference file. In such cases QuarkXPress displays a dialog offering two possibilities: • Use XPress preferences: The settings in the document are replaced by the settings in the preference file. The document may reflow. • Keep document settings: QuarkXPress uses the settings stored in the document. The document remains unchanged, but changes to these settings only affect the document and are not stored in the preferences file. This choice is recommended for service bureaus, where many documents from different sources and with different settings are opened, and the documents and their appearance must remain unchanged. The preference file is not used. The Open with menu lets you select, which settings should always be used by QuarkXPress when it opens a document. You can, for example, select Open with Document settings and ensure that all documents are opened unchanged using their own settings. You don't have to care about QuarkXPress' "Differing preferences" dialog anymore. The selection Show dialog reverts to normal QuarkXPress behaviour.